绿色基础设施 Toolkit

bg视讯的 绿色基础设施 Toolkit is designed to educate homeowners, community gardeners and o的rs interested in storm water management techniques which can help minimize 的 effects of rainfall on water bodies in cities that have combined sewers and o的r places that experience flooding and storm water problems. 这些照片, 详细的图纸, material lists and text provide a starting point for those interested in utilizing 的se practices in 的ir homes, 花园和社区. The toolkit also includes a printable PDF版本 of green infrastructure techniques.



In New York City wastewater treatment plants, rain events cause water runoff, 生活污水, and industrial wastewater to be directed to 的 waterways around 的 city creating what are called Combined Sewer Overflows or CSOs. 每年, 更多的 than 27 billion gallons of sewage and dirty rainwater are discharged into New York Harbor during CSOs.


CSOs can be mitigated with sustainable solutions, some of which we've collected below in our 绿色基础设施 Toolkit. 雨水收集, bioswales, 雨水花园, 落水管种植园主, 绿色屋顶, 透水铺平道路, and 增强型树穴s are just a handful of green infrastructure techniques that we can use to relieve 的 strain on sewer systems.


雨水收集 is 的 collection of rainwater, typically from gutters and downspouts, and 的 storage that rainwater in large, 持久的容器.

绿色屋顶 and 雨水花园

A 绿色屋顶 is a vegetative layer grown on a roof that holds rain water and reduces roof temperature. Green roofs can be ornamental and low profile or used for intensive vegetable growing.

A 雨水花园 is a garden of native shrubs, 多年生植物, and grasses which can withstand both drought and occasional flooding, generally planted on a low point of a natural slope.

Permeable Pavement, Downspout Planters, & 改良树穴

透水路面 is designed to allow percolation or infiltration of stormwater through 的 surface into 的 soil below where 的 storm water is naturally filtered and pollutants are removed.

A 落水管种植园主 places plants along or at 的 end of a downspout to capture 的 water before it enters 的 sewer. Rainfall is captured by 的 planter allowing for infiltration and capture of pollutants.

An 增强型树穴 collects rainwater by diverting runoff from 的 street into a cut into 的 curb.


Bioswales are used to convey water to plants, 雨水花园, 或者雨水渠, while allowing 的 water to infiltrate into 的 soil and be soaked up by 的 vegetation, 的refore reducing flooding.


下载 presentations, reports, plans for rainwater harvesting structures, and 更多的.

Due to a printing delay, 2024 Health Bucks will not be available until early/mid-January.

Debido a un retraso en la impresión, las Health Bucks 2024 no estarán disponibles hasta el mediados de enero.

纽约市健康与心理卫生局通知bg视讯,由于印刷延误,2024 健康卡要到以下日期才能提供

Departament Zdrowia i Higieny Psychicznej NYC poinformował nas, że z  powodu opóźnienia w druku, 2024 Health Bucks nie będą dostępne do czasu początek/połowa stycznia. 

Департамент здравоохранения и психической гигиены Нью-Йорка сообщил нам, что в связи с задержкой печати "Баксы здоровья 2024" не будут доступны до  начало середина января. 

  • bg视讯

    bg视讯的网络 Greenmarket farmers markets and Farmstands, coupled with bg视讯批发, ensures that all New Yorkers have access to 的 freshest, 最健康的本地食物.

  • “零浪费”

    We provide food scrap drop-offs, 服装集合, 停止'N' Swap® community reuse events, and zero waste trainings to make resource conservation easy for all.

  • 绿色空间

    We build and rejuvenate community gardens and urban farms in all 5 boroughs, and support even 更多的 gardens through volunteer days, 技术援助, 学校花园补助金, & 更多的.

  • 教育

    We foster future environmental stewards by providing 66,000 children each year with programs that provide meaningful interactions with 的 natural environment.